Price: $397
Length: 43 minutes
Modules: 8
Description: High-quality root canal treatment requires complete control over the operating field for the entire course of the procedure. A stable treatment field, free from biological contamination and visual obstructions, will improve your technical efficiency and is a prerequisite for long-term success. In this course, Dr. Nudera will walk you through his three levels of field control and teach you several methods and techniques designed to isolate any tooth in the mouth, regardless of its preexisting condition.
Level 1 File Control: The Rubber Dam
Level 1 Rubber Dam: Isolation Stratagies
Level 2 Field Control: Caries
Level 2 Field Control: Saliva
Level 2 Field Control: Hyperemeic Gingiva
Level 2 Field Control: Internal Factors
Level 3 Field Control: Pre-Endo Buildup
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Case Episodes
Learning how to practice endodontics is more than just shaping and filling canals—it’s understanding the process and how to manage the entire patient experience. See how techniques are applied to real cases. These long-form videos are released monthly.
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NuEndo's On-Demand Courses:
- Local Anesthesia
- Endodontic Field Management
- The Endodontic Access
- Root Canal Instrumentation
- Root Canal Disinfection
- Root Canal Obturation
- Aftercare Instructions